SB624 SFA #1 RUCKER 3-8

Hager 7871


 Senator Rucker moved to amend the amendment on page one, section five, subsection (d), subdivision (3). by striking out the words “The department shall negotiate reasonable per student costs for the delivery and administration of the alternative assessment that is equal to the per-student assessment cost as determined by the statewide assessment contract. The department shall be responsible for the costs of collecting and submitting the evidence needed to satisfy the requirements specified in 20 U.S.C. § 6311 (b)(2)(H) and 34 CFR 200.3. If the U.S. Department of Education determines that an alignment study is needed, the department shall ensure that a holistic alignment approach is used to evaluate the degree of alignment between the assessment and the state academic standards and the study shall include at least three test forms.” and inserting in lieu thereof the following: The state Department of Education shall pay no more than the general summative assessment per-student cost for a locally selected assessment used pursuant to the locally selected assessment option. If required by the U.S. Department of Education, the state department shall be responsible for contracting and paying no more than $100,000 total, of the costs of any studies required as part of the peer review process to satisfy the requirements specified in 20 U.S.C. §6311 (b)(2)(H) and 34 CFR 200.3. If the U.S. Department of Education determines that an alignment study is needed for a locally selected assessment option, the state department shall ensure that an independent alignment study is used to evaluate the degree of alignment between the assessment and the state academic standards and the study shall include at least three test forms. If the locally selected assessment is approved by the U.S. Department of Education and meets federal and state law, the state department shall enter into a contract that allows for county boards of education to implement the locally selected assessment.




